Black vs. White Tea Box


Black Tea – 100% Assam Loose Leaf Black Tea. Origin: India

White Tea – 100% Dry Tea, Bai Mu Dan Loose Leaf White Tea. Origin: Vietnam

The difference between tea types or tea categories is determined by the level of oxidation that takes place during the processing of the tea leaves. In this Tea Box you have two teas on the opposite sides of the spectrum of processed teas. White Tea is the least processed of all types of tea. It is hardly oxidised which means it is able to retain most of its natural antioxidants. Our white tea called Dry Tea, the steeped tea is very light in colour, and the taste delicate, subtle and naturally unsweetened. Making it a very popular drink in China. Black Tea, on the other hand, is fully oxidised making it a darker colour loose leaf tea with golden tips. Each loose tea leaf looks like a very tiny twig which has been rolled. The flavour is strong, robust and malty without being too over powering. In England black tea is enjoyed in the morning with a dash of milk and sugar to taste, to accompany a hearty breakfast. So which tea is best for you? Some would say, white tea is best as it typically has the most antioxidants. In reality, this is up to you since all teas have their benefits. One thing is for sure, tea is…happiness in a cup!

Black Tea – 100% Assam Loose Leaf Black Tea.
Origin: India

White Tea – 100% Dry Tea, Bai Mu Dan Loose Leaf White Tea.
Origin: Vietnam


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